Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A Green Holiday

        We dream of a white holiday season here in the upper Midwest.  We hope for snow covered yards, icicles hanging from the eaves, and strands of lights decorating our neighborhood. Santa’s chair is set up at our local mall and my children have been thumbing through catalogs to prepare their wish list letter to Mr. Claus.  Grocery store shelves are lined with opportunities to support the local food bank, and other stores ask for different donations to support a charitable cause.  At one store I was asked to buy a toy for a military family in need.  It’s safe to say the holiday season is fast approaching. 
It’s that time of year again when the air gets a little colder and the days become shorter, but our hearts grow warmer and more generous.  People can adopt a family in the community and deliver Christmas.  We help each other shovel our sidewalks and drive after the fresh snowfall.  With all the generosity and giving back we give to others and our society, it’s time to add the Earth to our list.  Even if there are not specific gifts we can wrap up and place under a tree with Mother Nature’s name on them, there are simple things we can go the will make our holiday traditions less taxing on the earth.  This paper will give ideas you can implement into your holiday season.
                  When you are out shopping this holiday season consider giving responsibly.  When buy household applicances or electronic items look for one with the ENERGY STAR rating and The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a list of ideas. The EPA reports, “The typical household spend more the $2,200 a year on energy bills…over a lifetime of ENERGY STAR products, a household can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 120,000lbs and same more than $10,000 in energy costs” (  So if a television, DVD player, stereo or other electronic items are on your list, look for the ENERGY STAR label to point you to the most efficient product models.  Also keep in mind when purchasing electronics or toys that require batteries, consider going the rechargeable route.  Rechargeable batteries reduce the amount of potentially harmful materials thrown away and can save money in the long run, especially if you add the battery charger as well. 
                  If these gifts surpass your budget, there are other gifts that can keep you on track to being green this holiday shopping season.  There are suggestions all over the internet but The Nature Conservancy ask its Facebook followers for tips. “Instead of giving a gift of a material item- provide a service for your friends/fam/loved ones like cooking dinner. Have a holiday ‘Green’ party where everything is recyclable, burn candles instead of lights, etc. – Lalanya B.” (Ganderson). Homemade gifts are a great way to show off your talents and abilities while remaining conscious to the environment.  Some example include making jams or wines from fruits and vegetables from your garden, making different holiday treats such as; fudge, peanut brittle, or cookies.  If you want to take your talents out of the kitchen you could learn to knit scarves and hats or paint some ornaments.  Other holiday gift ideas could include a potted plant or a donation to a favorite charity in the name of your honoree.
                  One of my favorite ideas is to purchase tickets to a local event or theater.  The purchase increases local revenue.  An evening out with friends or family while supporting your local economy seems like a perfect gift idea.  Not to mention gift wrapping tickets can have less of an environmental effect. 
                  When giving your gift this season, here are some simple tips you can do to make your gift ‘green’ friendly.  Try using a gift bag. Gift bags can be reused.  Even the tissue paper can be recycled for the next gift. Have that newspaper collecting in piles?  Newspaper, particularly the comic section can be used as gift wrap, especially for those gifts to children.  One idea I especially thought was appealing to the eye, was using scarp pieces of fabric to wrap up your holiday gift. 
                  Now that we have our gifts and they are wrapped with green friendly material, we need a tree to place it under. Your Christmas tree can be one way to help give back to our planet this holiday season.  According the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “about 33 million trees are sold in the U.S. every year” (   Compared to artificial trees, real Christmas trees are a renewable resource.  Treecycle Programs use recycled trees for mulch, erosion protection, habitat creation and shoreline stabilization.  The possibilities don’t end there, so check with your local community to find new ways to use treecycling for private projects. If you are not interested in trudging through the snow covered fields to find that perfect real tree, consider buying a potted plant or tree.  Potted trees can be planted outside when the holiday season is over. 
Decorating the tree or your house for the season can increase your energy toll on the environment.  Once upon a time Christmas decorations were homemade and was a great opportunity to spend quality time with your family and friends.  This holiday season try decorating your home or tree with a traditional twist.  Marye comments on The Nature Conservancy site, “we dehydrate various fruits like apples, oranges, and pears in our oven. We hang them on our tree with raffia along with popcorn and cranberries. After Christmas we hang all of it on the trees outside for the birds. The kids love it and the house smells so good!” (Parker).
Holiday lights strung on houses can be beautiful but problematic when trying to conserve energy.  A few ideas that don’t eliminate your lighting decorations, upgrade to LED lights and keep them unplugged and unlit during the day light hours. WPTZ News Channel 5 said, “LED bulbs use up to 90 percent less energy than regular bulbs, and they last up to 100 times as long.”  The News station also recommended, “If you still have traditional light strings, keep in mind that blinking lights use less energy than a steady glow” (WPTZ News Channel5).
With the lights twinkling and the air filled with Christmas aroma, it’s time for that Holiday party.  Sarah Hauck gives some great tips when it comes to keeping your party green this holiday season. Tips like using the internet for your invite instead of paper, make homemade decorations like popcorn and cranberry strung garland or homemade wreaths from old books and newspapers.  She suggests shopping local or going organic with your food and beverage selections.  An label recycling and trash bins clearly to avoid confusion from your guests. (Hauck)  Celebrating with friends and family is the true meaning of the Holiday Season.  Be conscious how your holiday party can be eco-friendly without costing you extra money.
The Holidays are a time of generosity and great family fun.  Holiday traditions bring people together and have been passed down throughout generations.  It is important that we do all we can in ensure our planet will be here for our future generations to carry on our Holiday Traditions.  Make it a tradition now to give responsibly, save energy, reduce waste and shop locally.  Most important, make it part of your tradition to be kind to our earth.  Have a safe and happy GREEN Holiday Season. 
By: Tara Smith

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